Ignaziani: Per La Cultura Della Vita

In contemporary society priests are called to step forward into the breach once again; called to form Catholic lay people, starting with the young, capable of acting as political and social leaders who will defend human dignity from the attacks of the Dictatorship of Relativism.

From priests of leadership will come laity of leadership; Catholics who will commit to a stalwart combat for every child’s freedom to be born, the defense of marriage, and for every man’s freedom to die a natural death without being pressured overtly or subtly to euthanasia.

Priests must urge themselves forward to lead as their spiritual forefathers led. Society needs them on the front lines, urging, by word and example, the consciences of Catholics to valor in the creation of a new social order.

Every Ignatian institution – parish, high school, university, think tank, scouting troop – will have as an integral part of its identity to be not merely pro-life but  proactively pro-life! All the resources, institutions, members of the Society of Ignatians will support, strengthen, encourage, all those valiant pro-life Catholics who fight for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death – without compromise.

Our Catholic youth  by acting on the front-line of the pro-life cause will grow in love for all life, both natural and supernatural; they will jettison peer pressure, recognize that as Catholics they are meant to be different; learn to intelligently and winsomely win others over for this fundamental right.

The opportunities for action are many:

  1. Recruiting other students for the national and local “March for Life”.
  2. Meeting with local politicians to urge him to act pro-life.
  3. Entering the youth section of a political party to promote the Culture of Life positions.
  4. Inviting pro-life speakers to the high-school or university or elsewhere.
  5. Promoting subscriptions to Pro-Life internet services such as Lifesitenews (research)  and publications
  6. Organizing public debates at the university, high-school or elsewhere to defend marriage, the family, the right to life from conception to natural death.
  7. Distributing Pro-Life literature from the pro-life associations.
  8. Writing letters to newspapers and magazines on Culture of Life issues
  9. Promoting the boycotting of pro-abortion companies with the help of the lists of Life Decisions International.