Endorsements: “Heroism and Genius”

For Heroism and Genius, see the Amazon website: https://www.amazon.com/Heroism-Genius-Catholic-Priests-Civilization

This book is the excellent fruit of Father Slattery’s years of serious scholarly study of the great men who have made history because they loved the Catholic faith and gave witness to it in every aspect of their lives.”    —Cardinal Raymond Burke

Slattery’s book is the final blow to the Enlightenment’s version of Western history, in which the Church was nothing but an obstacle to progress. I heartily recommend it.” —Thomas Woods, Jr., PhD.,  a New York Times best-selling author who has published twelve books.

This extraordinary book is an essential read for anyone desiring to understand where we have come from and where we presently are.” —Michael D. O’Brien,  author of Father Elijah: An Apocalypse

“I am happy to recommend Father William Slattery’s book “Heroism and Genius” since the author recognizes the key importance of the Church’s sacred liturgy in creating the ethos of heroism and genius that inspirited the builders of Christian civilization – and that it can inspire the builders of another Christian culture in the future whether in Africa, Asia, Europe or the Americas.” Cardinal Robert  Sarah